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Uploading and managing digital download files

To sell digital products on your website you will need to install the digital downloads app. To install the app select APPs > Available APPs from the menu. Find and select the Digital Downloads app and select INSTALL THIS APP.

Once the app is installed, you can begin to upload digital files which you will then add to products to sell.

To upload and manage your digital files select Assets & Images > Digital Downloads from the menu.

• Uploading files
• Uploading files with a large file size
• Managing files

Uploading files

To upload files select Upload A New File in the top right corner:

This box will then open:

If you want to specify a file name, enter it in the File Name box. If you don’t specify a name, the system will use the actual name of the file you attach. Next, you can add a File Tag or multiple tags. File tags are a useful way to categorise and organise similar files, so you can easily search for them when you need to. Finally, choose a file from your computer’s hard drive or enter a URL if the file is located on an external server.

When you are ready, select upload file.

Please note!

If you are hosting your files externally, the system will not deliver the actual URL of the file to your customers. Instead a safe download link is created and sent to the customer, so the file is protected in the same way as files that are uploaded directly to the ShopWired servers. The file will also not be copied to the server. It will instead be mirrored through our URL when the client downloads it.

If the file you are uploading is particularly large, please allow the system plenty of time to upload it.

Uploading files with a large file size

If you plan on selling files with a size over 50MB per file, it is recommended that you host them on an external service.

There are many hosting services available for your use, but we recommend using Amazon’s S3 hosting service.

If you do decide to use Amazon S3, open an account, login and create a ‘bucket’ (which is like a folder/directory) to upload your files to. When you upload a file set the access to ‘public’ which allows a public user to view and download the file. Each file you upload will have its own URL where it is located on Amazon's servers.

Managing files

When you install the app you will have 500MB of storage allowance for your digital files:

If, at any point, you think you will need more storage, please contact us, and we will give you a quote to purchase extra storage.

To search your digital files use the search box:

To view files based on a file tag you have given them use the ‘View Files By Tag’ box:

All of the digital files that you have uploaded to your account are located in the ‘Existing Files’ box:

Each file will be given an ID number by the system.

The File Name is editable by clicking on the name:

Change the name to whatever you want it to be, and click anywhere else on the screen to save the change.

Under Tag you can see the tag(s) that you gave to each file when you uploaded it, but you cannot edit them.

To delete a file use the bin icon under Delete.