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VAT Features

Please note!

This app is not available in North America.


Before using some of the features contained within this app, coding will need to be added to your theme. Please read the guidance below thoroughly and contact us if you need any assistance.

The custom VAT features app enables three different functions in your account and allows you the opportunity to choose which functions you would like to use.

To install the app select APPs > Available APPs from the menu. Find and select the 'VAT Features' app and select INSTALL THIS APP.

Setting a custom VAT rate
Removing VAT from businesses in the EU
Offer VAT relief for eligible products

Setting a custom VAT rate

If you are selling products where the standard VAT rate is not charged, for example smoking cessation products or heat-insulation products, you can enter the VAT rate for the product when creating/editing it.

In the 'Product Pricing' section you'll see a 'custom VAT rate' field (as shown in the example below).

In this field you should enter the VAT rate for the product. So if the VAT rate is 5% then you should enter 5.

If the product doesn't have a custom VAT rate then you should leave this field blank and the standard rate of VAT for your ShopWired account's location will be used (e.g. for the UK this will be 20%).

If the product is zero rated for VAT then you should tick the 'zero' tick box (shown on the example above).

You do not need to make any adjustment to your theme's files to accommodate this feature, entering the custom VAT rate for the product is all you need to do.

Removing VAT from businesses in the EU

If a customer is a business that resides within the European Union, you may not want that customer to pay VAT on their order if they supply a valid VAT number.

Our platform is connected to a third party API that can check the validity of a VAT number entered by a user, and if valid, you can place code on your website to remove VAT from the order under this circumstance. Please note that unlike the VAT relief feature above, this implementation will remove VAT from all products in the order (including the delivery charge).

In the example above, the visitor has selected their delivery country as France, and so an 'enter your VAT number' form is displayed. Selecting the 'validate' button checks the inputted number against the API and removes VAT from the order.


First, you'll need to add a vat number field, similar to the example above, to the checkout/basket page of your website (using the checkout_basket.twig file.

You'll likely only want this field to appear if a customer selects an appropriate delivery zone (for example any country within the EU excluding your own). This can be achieved by identifying the ID of the country selected by the user as their delivery zone.

Here's a list of countries within the EU and their ID:

Austria 14
Belgium 21
Bulgaria 33
Croatia 53
Cyprus 55
Czech Republic 56
Denmark 57
Estonia 67
Finland 72
France 73
Germany 81
Greece 84
Hungary 97
Ireland 103
Italy 105
Latvia 117
Lithuania 123
Luxembourg 124
Malta 132
Netherlands 150
Poland 170
Portugal 171
Romania 175
Slovakia 189
Slovenia 190
Spain 195
Sweden 203

The VAT number entered can be validated against the API through a post request to /checkout/basket/set-vat-number. The post request expects a vat_number field.

The endpoint will return a JSON response with a single property of valid which will return as either true or false , e.g.

    "valid": true

VAT will be automatically removed from the order if the VAT number was validated and the VAT number country prefix, e.g. 'GB' for United Kingdom, matches against the list of qualifying countries that you've entered on the app settings within your account (described below).

You'll probably want to record the VAT number supplied by the customer onto the details about the order. The VAT number entered is available on the checkout/address page in a twig variable checkout.vat_number so this can be referenced and placed in the order comments, e.g.

<input type="hidden" name="comments" value="VAT Number: ">

You may already have a comments field on your checkout page. If you do, you'll need to adjust the existing comments field and the one above so that you can have both fields operating at the same time. You can find out more about this here.

Configuring the app

On the app page in your account, you'll need to enter the VAT number country prefixes, separating them with a comma, for the countries that you want VAT to be removed from the order for:

Here are all of the country codes you can enter for EU countries:


Save your changes when you're done.

Offer VAT relief for eligible products

You may be selling products where, under certain circumstances, the customer (or end-user) is not required to pay VAT on the price of the product, (for example, a special telephone for people with dementia).

Installing this app allows you to indicate which of your products are eligible for customers to claim VAT relief on.

When adding/editing a product, in the 'product pricing' section you'll see a tick box 'is this product eligible for VAT relief' - you should tick this box if you'd like your customer to be able to claim VAT relief on the product.


On your theme, you'll need to enable a user to be able to 'claim' VAT relief (which will then remove VAT from the price for eligible products).

VAT can be removed from the applicable products in an order through a post request to /checkout/basket/vat-relief where the enable parameter on the request is set to 1.

Similarly, VAT relief can be removed from an order by setting the enable parameter is set to 0.

The default behaviour is for the user to be redirected to the home page after the post request is submitted. You can use the redirect parameter on the post request to set a new destination URL, e.g. o /checkout/basket.

There is also an optional ajax parameter (1 or 0) which will return a JSON response (object) instead of redirecting. The response has a single property of success which will return true.

You may like to display a visual indicator or text if an individual product is eligible for VAT relief. An additional variable is available on the product object which will return true if a product has been marked as eligible for VAT relief, this is product.eligible_for_vat_relief. You can also use the product object to display the price of the product without VAT.

We Can Help!

You may require that your visitors complete an online form to declare their, or the product end-user's, eligibility to claim VAT relief before it can be applied to the order. Alternatively, you may want a different implementation of this app. If you need any assistance please contact us and we'll discuss your requirements and provide you with a quote for the work you require.