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Using multi-buy offers

You can use the multi-buy offers app to create '2 for 1' or '3 for 2' offers. With these offers customers can place eligible products in their baskets and get the cheapest product free.

The two offers are independent of each other, so it is possible for you to make a product eligible for both offers, only the '3 for 2' offer or only the '2 for 1' offer.

To begin creating multi-buy offers you must first install the app. To do this select APPs > Available APPs from the menu. Find and select the ‘Multi-buy offers’ app and select INSTALL THIS APP.

• How to make products eligible
• How customers know which products are eligible
• Restricting customer access to multi-buy offers

How to make products eligible

Once the app is installed you can make products eligible for multi-buy offers in the product creator/editor. In the ‘Additional Information’ section you’ll see a ‘Is This A 2 For 1 Product?’ tick box and a ‘Is This A 3 For 2 Product’ tick box:

Place a tick in the box for which offer(s) you would like the product to be a part of and then save your changes.

How customers know which products are eligible

When you mark a product as being a part of a multi-buy offer an indicator is displayed on the product on your website so customers know the product is eligible for the offer:

This indicator will also display on the shopping basket page when the product is added to the basket.

Restricting customer access to multi-buy offers

To restrict which types of customers have access to multi-buy offers select Settings > Products from the menu.

Find the ‘Who should have access to multi-buy offers?’ setting:

Place/leave a tick in the box next to the type of customers who should have access to multi-buy offers.

Regular visitors - are visitors who aren’t logged into an account
Registered customers - are visitors who are logged into a regular customer account
Trade customers - are visitors who are logged into a trade account.

Once you’ve selected who should have access to multi-buy offers select save changes.