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Xtrader is a drop shipping company that specialises in adult products.

ShopWired’s integration with Xtrader allows you to import products directly from Xtrader to sell in your ShopWired store. When your store receives orders which contain Xtrader products, these orders are automatically exported to your Xtrader account.

To connect your ShopWired account with your Xtrader account you will first need to install the app. To install the app select APPs > Available APPs from the menu. Find and select the Xtrader app and then select INSTALL THIS APP.

Once you’ve installed the app you can configure your app settings and enter your Xtrader account details by selecting APPs > Xtrader from the menu.

• App configuration
• Delivery rates mapping
• Initial product import
• Product import
• Custom data
• Export errors


Xtrader sells X-rated products. All of their products are legal to sell in the UK, but some of their product ranges may offend some ShopWired users. Please proceed with caution.

App configuration

Use the ‘App Configuration’ section to configure your settings for the app.
Below is an explanation of each setting:

Import New Products

This setting allows you to choose if new products that are found by the app in the Xtrader product feed should be imported automatically or if you want to import them manually.

To have new products automatically import select ‘Automatically import’ and to manually import orders select ‘Allow me to manually select’.

If you select to have products be automatically imported, they will import into the category you choose in the next setting.

For more information about manually importing orders please refer to the ‘Product Import’ section of this help guide.

Category for New Products

Use this setting to select which of your categories newly imported products should be placed into. This setting will apply whether products are imported manually or automatically.

You can only choose one category for all new imports to be placed into. It is recommended that you create a special category for this setting and make the category inactive, so it is not visible on your website. You can then manually assign all newly imported products to the correct categories on your website.

Category for Discontinued Products

The Xtrader app checks for discontinued products every 24 hours. When the app discovers a product has been discontinued, it will move that product to the category which you have selected here.

It is recommended that you create a special category for this setting and make the category inactive, so it is not visible on your website. You should then regularly check this category to remove or deactivate discontinued products.

Auto Update Properties

When the app detects a change to an Xtrader product it will automatically update the product on your website according to the selections you have made here:

Tick the box beside the properties of a product you want automatic updates to apply to, and untick the box beside the properties that you don’t want to automatically update. For example, if you have altered the descriptions of imported products to read how you want them to on your website, you probably wouldn’t want the description to be automatically updated when changes are made on Xtrader. To prevent the app from automatically updating the descriptions you would untick the box beside’ Description’.

Updates to products are synced every 24 hours.

Auto Export Orders to Xtrader

Use this setting to choose if orders received in your ShopWired account (either through your website or created in the admin system) that contain at least one product imported from Xtrader should automatically be exported to your Xtrader account:

If you don’t want orders to automatically export, choose ‘Disabled’ from the drop-down menu. If you disable order export, you will need to manually place corresponding orders within Xtrader.

To allow for the automatic export of orders select ‘Enabled’ from the drop-down menu.

Please note!

To use automatic order export you must map your ShopWired website delivery rates to Xtrader delivery services, as described in the ‘Delivery Rates Mapping’ section of this help guide.

Enabling auto export of orders opens a group of settings where you should input your Xtrader account details:

Xtrader Account ID

In this field enter your Xtrader account ID.

Xtrader Account Password

In this field enter the password you use for your Xtrader account. This password is securely stored and will only be used to send orders to your account.

Xtrader Serial Code

In this field enter the serial code given to you by Xtrader.

Your domain name

In this field enter the domain name for your website.

Inputting your details incorrectly or failing to input them at all will lead to your orders failing to export.

Auto Update Order Status

Use this setting to choose if you want order status updates for orders in your Xtrader account to automatically be synced to the orders in your ShopWired account:

If you enable this setting, your Xtrader account will be checked twice a day for updates to orders. When an order is detected as dispatched on Xtrader the corresponding order on ShopWired will also be updated as dispatched, any available tracking information will be added to the order and the ‘Order has been dispatched’ email will be sent to your customer.

Whenever you change a setting in this section remember to select save changes when you are finished.

Delivery rates mapping

If you have enabled the setting which allows ShopWired orders to automatically export to Xtrader, you must map the delivery rates you have configured within your ShopWired account to a corresponding Xtrader delivery service. To do this use the ‘Delivery Rates Mapping’ section where you will see a list of all of the delivery rates that you have created in your account:

For every delivery rate that can be selected by your customers for orders that contain Xtrader products select from the drop-down menu a corresponding 'Xtrader Service'.

Initial product import

When you first install the Xtrader app you should use the ‘Initial Product Import’ section to import any products already on Xtrader’s website that you want in your ShopWired account. Place a tick in the box next to the product(s) from the list that you want to import. If you want to import all of the products on a page, place a tick in the box at the top of the list:

Once you have finished choosing products select Import.


You should only try to import products from one page of the import list at a time. Selecting products on one page of the list and then moving to another page will deselect the products you had chosen on the previous page.

Stock levels for imported products will be synced with Xtrader every hour.

Product import

If you have selected to import products manually, use the ‘Product Import’ section to select which products you would like to import. When the app finds new products in Xtrader's product feed they will appear in this section. Place a tick in the box beside the product(s) you want to import. If you want to import all of the products on a page place a tick in the box at the top of the list:

Once you have finished choosing products select Import. The products you selected will then be imported to the 'Category for New Products' you chose in the 'App Configuration' section.

Stock levels for imported products will be synced with Xtrader every hour.


You should only try to import products from one page of the import list at a time. Selecting products on one page of the list and then moving to another page will deselect the products you had chosen on the previous page.

If you have selected for products to import automatically, this section will still appear, but when you open it you will see a message saying the section is not in use:

Custom data

Xtrader's product catalogue contains a lot of information about products (such as colour, length, width) that isn't contained within the product description.

ShopWired does not have corresponding fields for this data. Instead, if you install the custom fields app prior to importing products from Xtrader, ShopWired will create corresponding custom fields to match Xtrader's item data and copy the data about the products into those fields.

Data within custom fields is not automatically displayed on your ShopWired website/theme. For it to display, code needs to be added to your theme files. You can follow the help guide for custom fields to add the code yourself, or contact our coding partners for assistance.

Export errors

Occasionally the app may encounter an error when trying to export an order from ShopWired to Xtrader. When this happens the details of which order failed to export and the reason for it will be displayed in the 'Order Export Errors' table:

For orders which have failed to automatically export, you will need to manually export them to Xtrader.

The error messages that are displayed are sent by Xtrader, so if you have any questions about what an error means, you should contact Xtrader support for help.