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Back In Stock Notifications


Before using this app, please check whether you will need to install coding on your ShopWired theme. For more information please click here.

Installation instructions for this app can be found here.

If a product, or variation of that product, is out of stock, you can use the 'Back In Stock Notifications' app to include a 'back in stock notification' form on your website, like the one shown below:

Your website visitors can then enter their name and email address and be automatically notified when you put the item back in stock in the admin system.


The back in stock notifications app is currently not compatible with bundle products.

To use back in stock notifications you will first need to install the app. To do this select APPs > Available APPs from the menu. Find and select the 'Back In Stock Notifications' app and select INSTALL THIS APP.

ShopWired account functionality

Once the app is installed in your account a new menu item will appear in the products submenu allowing you to see your stock requests and their status. To see the requests select Products > View Stock Requests from the menu.

Viewing and managing requests

Requests made by visitors will be displayed in the table on the page:

In the status column you can see whether or not the customer has been notified about the product being back in stock. A request can have one of 3 status: expired, notified or not notified.

You can adjust the status yourself by placing a tick in the box in the 'Select' column and selecting a new status from the drop-down list at the bottom of the page:

Once you have selected a new status select save.

If you change the status to be 'Notified' or 'Expired', the customer will not be sent the automatic email notification. You would need to notify them of the stock update yourself.

Request settings

At a set time each day the platform will check the stock levels of products that customers have requested to be notified about. If it finds any products that are back in stock, it will send the email notification at that time.

You can set at what time notifications are sent by selecting Settings from the top right. In the pop-up window you will see a setting for what time notifications are sent:

If you update your stock levels at the same time each day, then you should set the notification time to be afterwards.

Stock requests expire automatically after a fixed period of time. Notifications are not sent out to expired requests. Use the 'Request lifetime' setting to enter the number of days after which a request should expire.

Frequently asked questions

Do back in stock notifications work with bundle products?

No, back in stock notifications are not sent for bundle products.