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Min & Max Order Quantity


Before using this app, please check whether you will need to install coding on your ShopWired theme. For more information please click here.

Installation instructions for this app can be found here.

The min/max order quantity app allows you to set a minimum or maximum order level/quantity for your products. This means that the customer will not be able to add less than the minimum, or more than the maximum, of a product to their basket.

ShopWired account functionality

When creating/editing a product, scroll to the 'Additional Information' section where you will see two fields, a minimum quantity field and a maximum quantity field:

In the example above, the minimum order quantity is set at 3 and the maximum is set at 10.

You do not have to set both a minimum and maximum; you can set just one of these fields.

Setting a value for all products

Instead of setting a value individually for each product, you can also set a global value that applies to all products.

To do this select Settings > Products from the menu. Enter your desired quantities in the 'Minimum Order Quantity' and 'Maximum Order Quantity' boxes (again, you can set only one value if want to).

Please Note!

If you set a global minimum and maximum quantity (in product settings), then you will not be able to override this on a per product basis as it will apply to all of your products.

Customer restrictions

You can set which types of customers are restricted by minimum and maximum order quantities if you only want certain types of customers to be affected by them. By default, all customers will be affected. To change this select Settings > Products from the menu. Use the section indicated below to select which customers should be affected by minimum and maximum order quantities: