Importing, exporting and updating products
To create, update or export products in bulk use the product import/export system. Up to 50,000 products can be imported at one time. Read these guides in full to ensure you understand the system before using it.
To begin select
from the menu.Warning!
Before you add or update all of your products on a spreadsheet, do a small test first. If you encounter any issues with the import, please contact the ShopWired team for help.
• Importing products
• Exporting products
• Updating products
Importing products
By using a spreadsheet upload you can create products in bulk.
Downloading the template
The spreadsheet you use to import products must follow a specific format in order to work correctly. To download a template of the spreadsheet select the download your template button in the ‘Import Template’ section:
The template will then be downloaded to your computer’s hard drive.
Filling in the spreadsheet
Open the downloaded file where you can see each field to be filled in for the import. Each field is listed in a separate column. Each product you enter should be placed on a new row of the spreadsheet. If your product has variations, they should be listed individually on a new row as well. Click here to read the guidance for entering variants.
When filling in the spreadsheet it is important that you follow the field guidance for each field. Click here to read the field guidance.
It is also essential that you do not change the names of the column headings on the spreadsheet as the system needs them to process the import correctly.
Saving the spreadsheet
Once you have used the field guidance to fill in the spreadsheet, save the file as a CSV file. If you are using an Apple computer, save the file as a ‘Windows Comma Separated .csv’ file. If you save the file under any other format, the import will not process correctly.
Checking the spreadsheet
Before you upload the spreadsheet to your ShopWired account, you can check your spreadsheet for errors by uploading it to the ShopWired import checking service. This import checker will display detailed errors and warnings that could cause issues with the import or prevent it from being uploaded.
To use the checker simply attach your configured CSV file and select Check. The list of warnings and errors will then be displayed.
Uploading the spreadsheet
To import the spreadsheet go back to the product import/export page. In the section named ‘Import Your Products’ select the Choose file button to attach the file from your computer’s hard drive:
Once the file is attached select upload & process the import. The box will then change to show you how many new products and how many updated products the system thinks are contained in your spreadsheet:
If the numbers look correct, select proceed.
Please note!
If you are uploading a lot of products at once, the import could take some time to process. If you are importing a lot of product images, it might also take some time for the images to copy across to the servers even after the import is completed. While the images are transferring an ‘image processing’ message will display on your website for any images not yet transferred.
Once the import is complete you will see a success message:
Exporting products
To download a CSV file of all of your existing product information find the section on your product import/export page named 'Export Your Products':
Here you can decide what you want to be included in your export.
To choose specific fields to be included in your export select Toggle fields under ‘Which fields do you want to include in the export?’. The following section will then open:
By default all fields will be ticked to include in the export. Untick any fields you don’t want to be included.
Next, choose which type of products you want to be included in your export. You can choose all of your products or just your active or inactive ones:
Finally you can choose if you want all products included or just products from a specific category or brand:
If you select category or brand, a selection box will apear for you to choose the category or brand. You will only be able to select one category or brand.
Once you have made your choices, select prepare your export.
If the export is large, it might take some time to process. Don’t navigate away from the page, or the export will be cancelled. Once the spreadsheet is processed select download your export:
The file will then be downloaded to your computer’s hard drive.
You can use this export to update your product information.
Updating products
Use the import/export system to update your product information in bulk.
First you need to take an export of your current product information. If you are only updating certain aspects of your products (i.e. price), choose only those fields to be included in the export to make it easier for you.
Once you have downloaded the export open the spreadsheet on your computer.
If you're using Microsoft Excel to edit your product information, be aware that you might encounter some difficulties with the way Excel formats special characters like £ and long numbers (like those used for GTINs). Click here to read more about the peculiarities involved with using Excel. You might find using Google Sheets is easier.
Update the fields following the field guidance. Make sure that you keep the Item ID (in column A) the same and do not delete it. This unique ID is used by the system to differentiate your products. Changing it will cause your update for the product to fail.
Once you have finished making changes, save the spreadsheet as a CSV file, and upload the file using the 'Import Your Products' section on the product import/export page.