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Create a quote

If you want to create a quote to send to a current or potential customer you must first add the ‘Quotation System’ app to your account.
(To do this select APPs > Available APPs from the menu.)

Once the app is installed you will find a new section under the ‘Orders’ tab on the menu called ‘Quotes’. Select Create Quote to get started.

• Adding the information
• Creating the quote

Adding the information

Customer details

The first step in the process is to enter in your customer’s details:

If your customer has different billing information untick the box to add it in separately.

If the customer you want to send a quote to has ordered from you or been entered into your system before you can select them from your existing customers by beginning to enter their name into the selection box:

Products ordered

Next, add products to your quote. You can add as many of your products as you would like, and you can also edit the price of your products.

If your product is available in different sizes or colours (or other variations) you will need to select the choices.

Please note!

If your product has multiple variations, and you have used the ‘all variants’ feature, you will not be able to add that product to your quote. Your variation combinations will need to be entered separately. This is simple to do using the generate all variation combinations button.

If you have setup your system with stock levels, when you go to add a product to your quote the system will tell you how many of that product you have in stock:

If you try to add a product which is out of stock the system will tell you it is out of stock:

If the item is out of stock you will not be able to add it to the quote.

Delivery & checkout

The next section is 'Delivery & checkout':

In this section choose a delivery rate for the quote, or select free delivery if that's what you are including in the quote. You can also add a delivery date, but this is optional.

You must also select your quote status. Select 'Ready To Send' to send the quote immediately upon creation, or select 'Draft' if you want the quote to be saved as a draft to send out later.


In this section you can add any comments that you want to be included in the email to your customer:

When the twig variable is used in the 'quote created' email these comments will appear when the email is sent to the customer.

However, when a quote is paid for by the customer, these notes will not appear in the order confirmation email, but will still be retained in the 'Order Comments' section as admin comments for you to view when managing the order.

Details & confirmation

The final section on your screen shows your quote totals for products ordered and shipping costs:

Creating the quote

Once you are happy with all of the details, select create quote.

If your quote has been marked as 'Draft' this will save the quote to the 'Your Quotes' page for you to manage and send out later.

If you have marked the quote as 'Ready To Send' this will automatically send an email to your customer with details of your quote and will give them the option to make payment when they are ready.

Click here to read about the email that is sent to the customer.