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User accounts

You can use the user accounts app to grant third parties access to the management system for your account. The app allows them to have their own username and password, and allows you to limit their access to only certain parts of your account.

To install the app select APPs > Available APPs from the menu. Find and select the ‘User Accounts’ app and select INSTALL THIS APP.

Once the app is installed you can create and manage user accounts by selecting Your Account > User Accounts from the menu.

Please note!

The number of user accounts you are allowed to add will depend on what paid package you selected. To view what package you are on or to change your package, select Your Account > Your Package from the menu.

• Creating user accounts
• Managing user accounts
• The user’s experience

Creating user accounts

To create a user account select + Add A New User on the 'User Accounts' page:

This will open a section for you to enter the details of the new user and decide their access privileges:

Enter the name, email address and a password. The password must contain one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and be at least 8 characters long. Once the account has been created you should inform the user that they can change their password to something only they know.

Then choose which aspects of your account you want this user to be able to access. Place a tick in the box to grant access and untick the box of the areas you don't want the user to be able to see:

In the above example the user will be able to access the orders, customers, products and categories pages, but won't be able to see any others.

Once you have finished inputting the information and selecting access areas select save changes. An email will then automatically be sent to the user to confirm an account has been set up for them.

Managing user accounts

Once you have created user accounts they will appear in the ‘Manage Your User Accounts’ section:

Select the name of a user account if you want to change their name, email address, password or access privileges (remember to save any changes you make):

Use the tick box under ‘Active’ to activate or deactivate accounts. Place a tick in the box to have it as an active account and untick the box to deactivate the account:

To permanently delete an account use the bin icon under ‘Delete’:

The user’s experience

The user’s experience on the management system will be the same as yours, except they will only be able to see the sections you have allowed them to.

User accounts cannot change your account’s package, create new user accounts or change your username and password (but they can change their own).