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Gross profit report

The gross profit report app allows you to generate a report showing the gross profit you have made over a particular time period.

For access to this report you must first install the app. To do this select APPs > Available APPs from the menu. Find and select the 'Gross Profit Report' app and select INSTALL THIS APP.

• Adding cost prices
• Generating the gross profit report

Adding cost prices

In order for the report to show you your gross profit you will need to input a ‘cost price’ (the price you pay your supplier for the product) for your products. This field will be available to you on the product creator/editor page once you have installed the app. You should input a cost price for each of your products, and if you use product variations, product extras or product choices you can input separate cost prices for each.

On the product creator/editor page find the ‘Cost Price’ section:

Enter the price in the box and select save changes.

If the product has variations

If the product has variations, and those variations have a different cost price to the base product, you can enter the cost price for each variation combination. If a cost price is not entered for a variation, the cost price (if there is one) entered for the base product will be used for that variation. In the ‘Product Variants’ section select + show more fields:

Enter a value in the ‘Cost Price’ box:

Repeat this process for each variation that you want to add a cost price to.

Then select save changes.

If the product has product extras

If the product has product extras added to it you can set the cost price of the extras in the ‘Product Extras’ section:

Enter a value and select save changes.

If the product has product choices configured

If the product has product choices, and those choices have a different cost price to the base product, you can enter the cost price for each choice in the ‘Product Choices’ section:

Enter a value and select save changes.

Alternatively, you can set default cost prices when you create a set of choices on the product choices page:

Generating the gross profit report

To generate the report select Reports from the menu. As long as the app has been installed you will see the gross profit report option:

Click on the report to open it.

The report will display each product separately in a graph and in the table:

The table shows the quantity sold and sales of each product along with the gross profit for the product. The gross profit displayed will be exclusive of VAT or Taxes.

You can change the date period that the report covers by selecting a new range in the ‘From’ and ‘To’ filters:

By default the report will only show your top 10 products in the report, but you can change this by selecting a different option in the ‘Show’ filter:

If you use the brands app you can also filter by brand:

When changing a filter choice select apply filter to reload the report.

You can download the report into a CSV spreadsheet by selecting export report:

Please note!

The cost price for each product is stored within the order information at the time the order is placed. Therefore, if you change or add the cost price of a product at a future date, past orders will not be affected by the change. The gross profit report will only show data for orders that were placed after a cost price was entered. Past orders won’t be included in the data.