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Enabling the offline payment method

The offline payment method allows customers to submit orders on your website without paying over the internet. They would then pay you with a payment method away from your website, such as by bank transfer or cheque payment.


There is no ‘credit limit’ facility on the ShopWired platform, so if you are accepting offline payments you will want to carefully monitor the orders that your customers place if you are fulfilling the orders before receiving payment.

• Enabling offline payment
• Customising how the offline payment method is displayed on your website
• Offline checkout and trade accounts

Enabling offline payment

To enable the offline payment method select Checkout > Offline Payment from the menu. Under the enable offline payment setting change the setting to 'Yes':

Once you have enabled the setting, you will be able to add instructions to the order confirmation email which will be sent to customers who selected offline payment and have completed the checkout process:

You can also use this box to include other information to be sent to the customer if needed.

Additionally, on this page you can also add content to the order confirmation page that is shown to customers who selected offline payment:

This box is a CMS page editor which you can use to customise the content in many different ways.

Once you have finished adjusting your settings and information, select save changes.

Customising how the offline payment method is displayed on your website

Once you have enabled the offline payment method, your website will display an offline payment option for customers to choose. You can customise the way this option looks, but how you customise it depends on whether or not you are using platform checkout.

If you use platform checkout

If you are using platform checkout, offline checkout will be an option for customers to choose under the payment method:

You can customise the display name of the option, minimum and maximum order values and who should have access to use the payment method by selecting Checkout > Platform Checkout from the menu. This page will display the platform checkout settings. Find the section named ‘Payment Gateways - Offline’ and click to open it. Edit your settings and then select save changes. Click here to learn more about these settings.

If you are not using platform checkout

If you are not using platform checkout, your customers will be able to choose offline checkout by selecting a ‘complete offline payment’ button. Click here to learn how to customise the content of that button.

Offline checkout and trade accounts

If you have the trade accounts app installed on your account, you can change your settings so only trade customers with credit accounts have access to offline checkout (if you are using platform checkout, you can choose other types of customers as well).

To determine which of your customers can use the offline payment method, follow these instructions:

If you are using platform checkout

If you are using platform checkout, select Checkout > Platform Checkout from the menu. Open the 'Payment Gateways - Offline' section. Under 'Who should have access to this payment gateway?' select who you want to have access to the offline payment gateway:

For example, if you want only trade customers who have credit accounts to be able to use this payment method, place a tick beside 'Trade customers (credit accounts)' and untick the other options. Then save your changes.

If you are not using platform checkout

If you are not using platform checkout, select Themes > Installed Themes from the menu. On your live theme select Theme Settings:

Scroll to the offline payment method section and place a tick beside 'Yes' under 'Only Trade Customers With Credit Accounts Should Have Access To Offline Payment':

If you are not using platform checkout, you can only limit the use of the offline payment method to trade customers with credit accounts.

You can decide if a trade customer should have a credit account when manually creating/editing their trade account.