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Product Filters


Before using this app, please check whether you will need to install coding on your ShopWired theme. For more information please click here.

Installation instructions for this app can be found here.

Product filters can be used to assign attributes to your products which customers visiting your website can then use to filter through your products to quickly find what they are looking for.

To create filter groups to display on your website you must first install the product filters app. To do this select APPs > Available Apps from the menu. Find and select the ‘Product Filters’ app and select INSTALL THIS APP.

An example of filters being displayed on a website can be seen below:

• Creating and managing filter groups
• Assigning filters to products
• Setting the order of filters
• Price filter settings

Creating and managing filter groups

Filter groups are used to group together similar filters for display on your website. In this example there are four filter groups (Brand, Colour, Screen Size and Price):

Once the app is installed you can configure your filter groups by selecting Settings > Filters > Filter Groups from the menu.

Creating filter groups

Please note!

You will only be able to create up to 15 filter groups.

Use the ‘Create A New Filter Group’ section to create filter groups:

In the Name field enter the name of the filter group. This will be displayed on your website.

Use the drop-down menu under Target to select which pages you want the filter group to display on. You can choose between:

All Pages - select this to have the filter group display on every category, brand and search results page of your website
All Categories - select this to have the filter group display only on all of your category pages
All Brands - select this to have the filter group display only on all of your brand pages
Search Page - select this to have the filter group display only on all of your search result pages
Category - select this option to choose a specific category (or multiple categories) page where the filter group should display
Brand - select this option to choose a specific brand (or multiple brands) page where the filter group should display

If you choose Category or Brand a drop-down menu will appear for you to choose the category or brand:

You can add multiple categories or brands by selecting the + add another button.

If you want your filter groups to appear in a specific order on your website use the Sort Order field to set their order. Enter a number in the box according to the order. The filter group with the lowest number, e.g. 1, will appear first, and the one with the highest number, e.g. 1000, will appear last. Filter groups with the same sort order number will be sorted in alphabetical order.

If the filter group you are creating is for product prices you should tick the ‘Is this filter group for product prices?’ tick box. Your website should only have one filter group for product prices. If the filter group is for anything other than product prices do not tick the box.

Once you have finished configuring your filter group select create filter group.

Managing filter groups

Once you have created a filter group it will appear in the 'Existing Filter Groups' section:

Name tells you the name of the filter group.

Target tells you where you have chosen for the filter group to display on your website.

Use the Edit button to edit the details of the filter group.

Select the bin icon under Delete to delete the filter group.

Assigning filters to products

Please note!

To ensure that your page speed is not affected, there is a limit of 120 filters per filter group. Adding more than 120 filters per filter group will result in not all of them displaying on your website.

Once you have created filter groups you can start to assign applicable filters to each of your products. When creating/editing a product open the ‘Product Filters’ section to configure filters on the product:

All of the filter groups that you have created will be displayed in this section with a tick box next to each one. To assign the product to a filter group tick the box next to it. In the box that appears enter the filter values, e.g. Blue or Small, that are applicable to the product:

Enter the name of the filter followed by a comma. You can enter multiple values for each filter group.

When you’ve finished assigning the product to filter groups and adding filter values select save changes.

Please note!

Product filters can take 10-15 minutes to show on your website after you have created them.

Setting the order of filters

All of the filter values that you have configured for each of your filter groups are displayed on the filter sort order page. You can access this page by selecting Settings > Filters > Filter Sort Order from the menu.

Each filter group that you have created has its own section containing the names of the filter values that you have added to your products:

Please note!

Filter groups will not display if there are more than 60 options in the group.

You can rearrange how the filters display on your website within each group by selecting the compass icon beside the filter you want to rearrange:

Drag and drop the filter into a new position.

The system will update the filters automatically. There is no ‘save changes’ button to push. Once you have finished rearranging your filters check your website to ensure the changes have been applied correctly.

Price filter settings

You can create an automatic price filter on your website.

To do this, you first have to create a 'price' filter group within Settings > Filters > Filter Groups > Create A New Filter Group. When creating this, tick the 'Is this filter group for product prices?' tickbox, and configure the ranges for the filter.

This is where you say the ranges that you would like customers to be able to use when filtering by price.

In the example below the price ranges for the filters shown are 'Up to $50', '$50 - $100', '$100 - $250', '$250 - $500', '$500 - $1,000', '$1,000 - $2,500', '$2,500 - $5,000 and $5,000 and over':

It is also required to set the price filter ranges on the app installation page.

Within the price filter ranges setting, you need to enter each price range as X-X, e.g. '50-100'. Separate ranges with a comma, e.g. 50-100,100-250,250-500.

Use 0 to represent 'up to' and 'and over', e.g. 0-50 (means up to 50), 5000-0 (means 5000 and over)

For the same ranges as shown on the example above you would enter: 0-50,50-100,100-250,250-500,500-1000,1000-2500,2500-5000,5000-0

You would then end up with something like this:

Please contact us if you have any questions about these settings.