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Delivery Rate Exceptions

The delivery rate exceptions app can be used to prevent a delivery rate from being available to choose if certain products are present in a basket or to create delivery rates that can only be used when just certain products are purchased.

To install the app select APPs > Available APPs from the menu. Find and select the app named ‘Delivery Rate Exceptions’ and select INSTALL THIS APP.

Once the app is installed select Checkout > Delivery Rates from the menu to begin using the feature.

• Exceptions
• Inclusions


When adding or editing a delivery rate you can add excluded products to the delivery rate by ticking the box beside ‘Exclude products from this delivery rate’:

Once you have ticked the box a selection box will appear for you to choose a product to exclude from the rate:

If you would like to add multiple products click the + add another button as many times as you need to keep selecting products.

Please note!

Adding products to the exclusions for a delivery rate means that if a customer has the product in their basket the delivery rate will not appear as an available option no matter what else they have in their basket.

Once you have finished editing or creating the delivery rate select save changes.


To only have the delivery rate available when certain products are ordered tick the box beside ‘Make this delivery rate only available for certain products’ when adding or editing a delivery rate:

Once you have ticked the box a selection box will appear for you to choose a product to include for the rate:

If you would like to add multiple products click the + add another button as many times as you need to keep selecting products.

Please note!

The delivery rate will only be available for a customer to use if all of the products in their basket are included for the rate.

Once you have finished editing or creating the delivery rate select save changes.