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Creating bulk discounts

The bulk discounts app allows you to offer your products at a discounted cost if a customer purchases from you in bulk.

To use bulk discounts you must first install the app. Select APPs > Available APPs from the menu. Find and select the ‘Bulk Discounts’ app and select INSTALL THIS APP.

Once you have installed the app you can begin to create bulk discounts. There are two ways for you to create them:

• Creating individual bulk discounts
• Creating percentage bulk discounts for a range of products

Creating individual bulk discounts

For each product you have created you can set individual prices for bulk purchases of the product. Prices set this way will only apply to multiple purchases of the same product. To display the bulk prices you create for individual products you will need to enable the bulk discount table.

You can set these prices when you’re creating or editing a product. On the product creator/editor page find the ‘Bulk Pricing’ section:

In the Quantity box enter how many of the product needs to be purchased for the discount to apply. In the Price box enter the price for that quantity of the product.

If you want the product to cost a certain amount when someone purchases between a range of numbers, such as between 10 and 20 units of the product, you would enter 10-20 in the quantity box and then the price for the range in the price box.

Alternatively to a range of numbers, you can also enter a number and the + sign to signify anything from that number and over should qualify for the discounted price. So, for a discount when someone orders 25 or more units of a product enter 25+ here.

Please note: you can only have one 'X+' quantity in each product's bulk pricing table. The others should be ranges. Entering 2+, 4+ and 6+ wouldn't work.

Click the + add another button to add multiple bulk discounts for the product:

Bulk discounts for product variations

Use the ‘Product Variants’ section if you want to add different bulk discounts for each variation of the product.

If you have set individual prices for each variation you would need to add individual bulk discount prices. If you have set individual prices for the variations, but only set bulk rules to the main product, the bulk rules will not apply to your variations.

For each variation combination select + show more fields:

Under ‘Bulk Pricing’ select + add bulk price:

Enter the bulk pricing information in the ‘Quantity’ and ‘Price’ boxes:

If you want to add multiple bulk prices select + add bulk price as many times as you need.

Creating percentage bulk discounts for a range of products

Alternatively, instead of creating bulk discounts for individual products, you can create bulk discounts that apply to a range of products. To do this select B2B > Bulk Order Discounts from the menu.

Use the ‘Create A New Discount’ section to enter the details of a bulk discount:

First, choose your Discount Target from the drop down list:

Select All Products to apply the discount to multiple purchases of any product. This means the discount will work even if a customer adds different products to their basket.

Select Product Category to apply the discount to products from the same category. If you choose this option you will then need to select a category. You can only choose one.

Select Brand / Manufacturer to apply the discount to products from the same brand. If you choose this option you will then need to select a brand. You can only choose one.

Select Product to apply the discount to only multiple purchases of the product you select. You can only choose one product.

Select Multiple Purchases Of The Same Product to apply the discount to multiple purchases of the same product. This option includes all of the products in your store.

Next, enter the Discount Offered. Setting a discount to a range of products works differently from setting a discount to individual products as here you can only set a percentage to be discounted for the quantity entered and not individual prices for each quantity. Only enter numbers in this field.

Finally, enter the Quantity Required to be purchased in order to obtain the discount. You can either enter a range, such as 2-6, or a minimum amount followed by the + sign, such as 10+.

When you have finished entering values select create discount.

Creating multiple discounts for one target

You can have as many bulk discounts on your account as you would like. You can, therefore, set different discounts for different quantity ranges for one target, but each discount will need to be created separately, as shown below:


If you want to create multiple discounts for one target you must enter the quantity numbers as a range and not as 'a number +'. If you entered, for example, '2+', '5+' and then '10+' as your quantities it would not work.

Managing percentage bulk discounts

All of the percentage bulk discounts that you have created can be managed in the ‘Existing Discounts’ section of the 'Bulk Order Discounts' page:

Target tells you what the discount applies to.

Discount (%) tells you the percentage of the discount.

Quantity tells you how many individual units of the target must be purchased in order for the discount to be applied.

Use the tick box under Active to deactivate/reactivate a discount.

Select the Edit button to edit any aspect of the discount.

Use the bin icon under Delete to delete the discount.