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Setting up gift vouchers

Gift vouchers allow visitors to your website to buy an amount of credit for your store to spend on your products that they can send to someone to use or use themselves by entering a unique code when they checkout.

Gift vouchers are purchased from your website using the gift voucher page which, depending on your theme, will look similar to this:

Once a gift voucher has been purchased, the unique code the customer is given can be entered at checkout, and the amount of the voucher will come off the cost of the cart. If an amount still remains on the voucher they can use it again later.

To have gift vouchers available on your website you will first need to download the app. To do this select APPs > Available APPs from the menu. Find and select the app called ‘Gift Cards’ and select INSTALL THIS APP.

Once the app is installed you will need to configure your gift voucher settings for your gift voucher page and for when someone purchases a gift voucher.

• Gift voucher settings
• Making the gift voucher page visible on your website
• Customising the gift voucher page

Gift voucher settings

To configure your settings select Marketing > Gift Voucher Settings from the menu. In the ‘Gift Voucher Settings’ section you can adjust your settings.


First you will need to decide how you want the gift voucher amount to be set up. There are three options to choose from:

‘Customer Enters Amount’ allows the customer to input whatever amount they want for the gift voucher.

‘Single Amount To Choose From’ allows you to input a single amount of how much the customer would have to purchase the voucher for:

‘Multiple Amounts To Choose From’ allows you to input multiple amounts that the customer must choose from for how much they wish to purchase:

To add more options select + add another as many times as you need.

Voucher code generation

When a gift voucher is purchased a code for the voucher needs to be generated in order for the customer to be able to use it.

If you want to generate your own voucher codes each time a gift voucher is purchased then leave the tick box by ‘Should the voucher code be automatically generated?’ empty:

If you choose not to automatically generate the code you will need to manually create a gift voucher each time one is purchased from your website.

If you want the gift vouchers to be generated automatically tick the box. Then another option will appear for you to decide if you want an email to automatically be sent with the voucher code:


The content of the email that is sent to the customer has been automatically configured for you, but you can change the content at any time if you want to. To learn what twig variables can be used in this email read the 'Gift voucher email' guide. You can learn how to change the content of automatic emails here.


When a customer adds a gift voucher to their cart it will appear in the cart with an image like any other product. If you haven’t uploaded an image a ‘Sorry there is no image available’ message will display instead. To upload an image select Choose file under 'Gift Voucher Image':

Find and attach the image to display with your gift vouchers from your computer’s hard drive. The image can be any size.

Once you have uploaded the file and saved your changes the image will appear under 'Existing Gift Voucher Image':

To remove the image, place a tick in the box beside 'Delete Image' and select save changes, or select a new image from your computer’s hard drive to replace the image.

Sales tax

Use this setting to determine if sales tax should be charged on the purchase of gift vouchers:

Place a tick in the box if sales tax should be charged, and leave the box empty if not.

Voucher codes

By default, if a customer purchases a gift voucher and applies an eligible voucher code to the order (e.g. 10% off orders over $20) the code will also apply to the cost of the gift voucher (e.g. a $50 voucher would cost $45). If you don’t want voucher codes to be able to be applied to gift voucher purchases then place a tick in the box beside 'No' for this setting:

Offline payment

If you have the offline payment method enabled on your website, by default, customers won’t be able to use it to checkout when there is a gift voucher in their cart. If you would like the offline payment method to be an option for gift voucher purchases place a tick in the box beside 'Yes' for this setting:

Voucher types

Next in the ‘Voucher Types’ section you will need to configure your types of gift vouchers:

This allows you to create different types of gift vouchers for customers to choose from. For example, you may want to offer certificates that are delivered by email and certificates that are delivered by post.

For each voucher type that you create you can also configure a delivery rate for that voucher.

Once you are finished customising your settings select save changes.

Making the gift voucher page visible on your website

The gift voucher page on your website is accessible through the URL, where 'yourdomainname' is replaced with your actual domain name.

To make the gift voucher page accessible on your website you will need to add it to one of your website’s menus. To do this you will need to edit your link lists.

Customising the gift voucher page

On your website’s gift voucher page you can customise the text on the page and in the action button:

To make these customisations select Themes > Installed Themes from the menu and follow the instructions below according to what theme you are using.

For version 4 themes

If you are using a version 4 theme select Theme Settings on your live theme to open the live preview editor. In the editor select Features > Gift Vouchers and change the text in the relevant box: